North Georgia Knitting Guild
The North Georgia Knitting Guild is a community of knitters committed to fostering the fiber arts through education, charitable, and social practices. The Guild hosts regular monthly meetings, open to members and visitors, many of which are educational in nature. In addition, the Guild sponsors workshops dedicated to furthering techniques and best practices. Our charitable contributions support local, national, and international charities. This website exists to provide information to members and visitors regarding upcoming events and activities, as well as information of interest to everyone in the knitting community. Make plans to join us very soon. Click on the Meeting Location/Directions page to find us. Use the Contact Us page to ask a question or to find our mailing address.
Please check out Monthly Meetings page for specific meeting dates.
The North Georgia Knitting Guild is a member of the The Knitting Guild Association (TKGA). Visit their website at for more information about their group and the benefits of joining.
Upcoming Events at a Glance
Thursday April 17th: Guild General Meeting
Friday May 2nd and Saturday May 17th: Gather Ye Rosebuds Cowl Workshops
Find Us On Social Media
NGKG uses several social media outlets to communicate about our meetings and activities:
Facebook members-only page: North Georgia Knitting Guild
Facebook public page for members and non-members: Friends of North Georgia Knitting Guild